Sunday, January 9, 2011

Once upon a time in a rainy day...

Rainy season is one of my most favorite of all the seasons. The blossoming of flowers, the chirping of birds, the breeze carries a sweet fragrance of earth and the surroundings around you gets transformed into magical moments.

It was one of those lovely days when something brightening happened. I was all consumed in my work with no time for anything. Rushing up and finishing the deadlines of reports. While returning to the office, I got stuck in a downpour. I was waiting to let it slow down just a little bit, when an acquaintance called me up for a tea, in this amazingly great weather.

It was a usual office chit-chat when something magical happened. I saw her and everything vanished. It felt like nothing exists except her. The conversation seemed meaningless with no coherence of thoughts. The only thing perceptible was her graceful ways and she dazzling her way into my closely guarded heart. I was charmed to death.

The rain slowed down and I had to leave. But the whole moment felt as if it would never end. Her sugary voice, her resplendently astounding eyes and the whole conversation were constantly being repeated in my head. It was like a Déjà vu. While walking balk to the destination, the drizzle seemed more blissful than ever.